1 | !======================================================================!
2 | ! !
3 | ! Software Name : HEC-MW Library for PC-cluster !
4 | ! Version : 2.7 !
5 | ! !
6 | ! Last Update : 2014/01/25 !
7 | ! Category : Linear Solver !
8 | ! !
9 | ! Written by Kazuya Goto (PExProCS LLC) !
10 | ! !
11 | ! Contact address : IIS,The University of Tokyo RSS21 project !
12 | ! !
13 | ! "Structural Analysis System for General-purpose Coupling !
14 | ! Simulations Using High End Computing Middleware (HEC-MW)" !
15 | ! !
16 | !======================================================================!
17 |
18 | module m_hecmw_matrix_ordering_MC
19 | use hecmw_util
20 | implicit none
21 |
22 | private
23 | public :: hecmw_matrix_ordering_MC
24 |
25 | contains
26 |
27 | subroutine hecmw_matrix_ordering_MC(N, indexL, itemL, indexU, itemU, &
28 | perm_cur, ncolor_in, ncolor_out, COLORindex, perm, iperm)
29 | implicit none
30 | integer(kind=kint), intent(in) :: N
31 | integer(kind=kint), intent(in) :: indexL(0:), indexU(0:)
32 | integer(kind=kint), intent(in) :: itemL(:), itemU(:)
33 | integer(kind=kint), intent(in) :: perm_cur(:)
34 | integer(kind=kint), intent(in) :: ncolor_in
35 | integer(kind=kint), intent(out) :: ncolor_out
36 | integer(kind=kint), intent(out) :: COLORindex(0:)
37 | integer(kind=kint), intent(out) :: perm(:), iperm(:)
38 | integer(kind=kint), allocatable :: iwk(:)
39 | integer(kind=kint) :: nn_color, cntall, cnt, color
40 | integer(kind=kint) :: i, inode, j, jnode
41 | allocate(iwk(N))
42 | iwk = 0
43 | nn_color = N / ncolor_in
44 | cntall = 0
45 | COLORindex(0) = 0
46 | do color=1,N
47 | cnt = 0
48 | do i=1,N
49 | inode = perm_cur(i)
50 | if (iwk(inode) > 0 .or. iwk(inode) == -1) cycle
51 | ! if (iwk(inode) == 0)
52 | iwk(inode) = color
53 | cntall = cntall + 1
54 | perm(cntall) = inode
55 | cnt = cnt + 1
56 | if (cnt == nn_color) exit
57 | if (cntall == N) exit
58 | ! mark all connected and uncolored nodes
59 | do j = indexL(inode-1)+1, indexL(inode)
60 | jnode = itemL(j)
61 | if (iwk(jnode) == 0) iwk(jnode) = -1
62 | end do
63 | do j = indexU(inode-1)+1, indexU(inode)
64 | jnode = itemU(j)
65 | if (jnode > N) cycle
66 | if (iwk(jnode) == 0) iwk(jnode) = -1
67 | end do
68 | end do
69 | COLORindex(color) = cntall
70 | if (cntall == N) then
71 | ncolor_out = color
72 | exit
73 | end if
74 | ! unmark all marked nodes
75 | do i=1,N
76 | if (iwk(i) == -1) iwk(i) = 0
77 | end do
78 | end do
79 | deallocate(iwk)
80 | ! make iperm
81 | do i=1,N
82 | iperm(perm(i)) = i
83 | end do
84 | end subroutine hecmw_matrix_ordering_MC
85 |
86 | end module m_hecmw_matrix_ordering_MC