1 | !======================================================================!
2 | ! !
3 | ! Software Name : HEC-MW Library for PC-cluster !
4 | ! Version : 2.7 !
5 | ! !
6 | ! Last Update : 2014/12/14 !
7 | ! Category : Linear Solver !
8 | ! !
9 | ! Written by Kengo Nakajima (Univ. of Tokyo) !
10 | ! Kazuya Goto (PExProCS LLC) !
11 | ! !
12 | ! Contact address : IIS,The University of Tokyo RSS21 project !
13 | ! !
14 | ! "Structural Analysis System for General-purpose Coupling !
15 | ! Simulations Using High End Computing Middleware (HEC-MW)" !
16 | ! !
17 | !======================================================================!
18 |
19 | !C
20 | !C***
21 | !C*** module hecmw_solver_CG_33
22 | !C***
23 | !C
24 | module hecmw_solver_CG_33
25 |
26 | public :: hecmw_solve_CG_33
27 |
28 | contains
29 | !C
30 | !C*** CG_33
31 | !C
32 | subroutine hecmw_solve_CG_33( hecMESH, hecMAT, ITER, RESID, ERROR, &
33 | & Tset, Tsol, Tcomm )
34 |
35 | use hecmw_util
36 | use m_hecmw_solve_error
37 | use m_hecmw_comm_f
38 | use hecmw_matrix_misc
39 | use hecmw_solver_misc
40 | use hecmw_solver_las_33
41 | use hecmw_solver_scaling_33
42 | use hecmw_precond_33
43 | use hecmw_jad_type
44 | use hecmw_estimate_condition
45 |
46 | implicit none
47 |
48 | type(hecmwST_local_mesh) :: hecMESH
49 | type(hecmwST_matrix) :: hecMAT
50 | integer(kind=kint ), intent(inout):: ITER, ERROR
51 | real (kind=kreal), intent(inout):: RESID, Tset, Tsol, Tcomm
52 |
53 | integer(kind=kint ) :: N, NP, NDOF, NNDOF
54 | integer(kind=kint ) :: my_rank
55 | integer(kind=kint ) :: ITERlog, TIMElog
56 | real(kind=kreal), pointer :: B(:), X(:)
57 |
58 | real(kind=kreal), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: WW
59 |
60 | integer(kind=kint), parameter :: R= 1
61 | integer(kind=kint), parameter :: Z= 2
62 | integer(kind=kint), parameter :: Q= 2
63 | integer(kind=kint), parameter :: P= 3
64 | integer(kind=kint), parameter :: WK= 4
65 |
66 | integer(kind=kint ) :: MAXIT
67 |
68 | ! local variables
69 | real (kind=kreal) :: TOL
70 | integer(kind=kint )::i
71 | real (kind=kreal)::S_TIME,S1_TIME,E_TIME,E1_TIME, START_TIME, END_TIME
72 | real (kind=kreal)::BNRM2
73 | real (kind=kreal)::RHO,RHO1,BETA,C1,ALPHA,DNRM2
74 | real (kind=kreal)::t_max,t_min,t_avg,t_sd
75 | integer(kind=kint) ::ESTCOND
76 | real (kind=kreal), allocatable::D(:),E(:)
77 | real (kind=kreal)::ALPHA1
78 | integer(kind=kint) :: n_indef_precond
79 |
80 | integer(kind=kint), parameter :: N_ITER_RECOMPUTE_R= 50
81 |
82 | call hecmw_barrier(hecMESH)
84 |
85 | !C===
86 | !C +-------+
87 | !C | INIT. |
88 | !C +-------+
89 | !C===
90 | N = hecMAT%N
91 | NP = hecMAT%NP
92 | NDOF = hecMAT%NDOF
93 | NNDOF = N * NDOF
94 | my_rank = hecMESH%my_rank
95 | X => hecMAT%X
96 | B => hecMAT%B
97 |
98 | ITERlog = hecmw_mat_get_iterlog( hecMAT )
99 | TIMElog = hecmw_mat_get_timelog( hecMAT )
100 | MAXIT = hecmw_mat_get_iter( hecMAT )
101 | TOL = hecmw_mat_get_resid( hecMAT )
102 | ESTCOND = hecmw_mat_get_estcond( hecMAT )
103 |
104 | ERROR = 0
105 | n_indef_precond = 0
106 |
107 | allocate (WW(NDOF*NP, 4))
108 | WW = 0.d0
109 |
110 | !C
111 | !C-- SCALING
112 | call hecmw_solver_scaling_fw_33(hecMESH, hecMAT, Tcomm)
113 |
114 | IF (hecmw_mat_get_usejad(hecMAT).ne.0) THEN
115 | call hecmw_JAD_INIT(hecMAT)
116 | ENDIF
117 |
118 | if (ESTCOND /= 0 .and. hecMESH%my_rank == 0) then
119 | allocate(D(MAXIT),E(MAXIT-1))
120 | endif
121 | !C===
122 | !C +----------------------+
124 | !C +----------------------+
125 | !C===
126 | call hecmw_precond_33_setup(hecMAT, hecMESH, 1)
127 |
128 | !C===
129 | !C +---------------------+
130 | !C | {r0}= {b} - [A]{x0} |
131 | !C +---------------------+
132 | !C===
133 | call hecmw_matresid_33(hecMESH, hecMAT, X, B, WW(:,R), Tcomm)
134 |
135 | !C-- compute ||{b}||
136 | call hecmw_InnerProduct_R(hecMESH, NDOF, B, B, BNRM2, Tcomm)
137 | if (BNRM2.eq.0.d0) then
138 | iter = 0
139 | MAXIT = 0
140 | RESID = 0.d0
141 | X = 0.d0
142 | endif
143 |
145 | if (TIMElog.eq.2) then
146 | call hecmw_time_statistics(hecMESH, E_TIME - S_TIME, &
147 | t_max, t_min, t_avg, t_sd)
148 | if (hecMESH%my_rank.eq.0) then
149 | write(*,*) 'Time solver setup'
150 | write(*,*) ' Max :',t_max
151 | write(*,*) ' Min :',t_min
152 | write(*,*) ' Avg :',t_avg
153 | write(*,*) ' Std Dev :',t_sd
154 | endif
155 | Tset = t_max
156 | else
157 | Tset = E_TIME - S_TIME
158 | endif
159 |
160 | Tcomm = 0.d0
161 | call hecmw_barrier(hecMESH)
163 | !C
164 | !C************************************************* Conjugate Gradient Iteration start
165 | !C
166 | do iter = 1, MAXIT
167 |
168 | !C===
169 | !C +----------------+
170 | !C | {z}= [Minv]{r} |
171 | !C +----------------+
172 | !C===
173 | call hecmw_precond_33_apply(hecMESH, hecMAT, WW(:,R), WW(:,Z), WW(:,WK), Tcomm)
174 |
175 | !C===
176 | !C +---------------+
177 | !C | {RHO}= {r}{z} |
178 | !C +---------------+
179 | !C===
180 | call hecmw_InnerProduct_R(hecMESH, NDOF, WW(:,R), WW(:,Z), RHO, Tcomm)
181 | ! if RHO is NaN or Inf then no converge
182 | if (RHO == 0.d0) then
183 | ! converged due to RHO==0
184 | exit
185 | elseif (iter > 1 .and. RHO*RHO1 <= 0) then
186 | n_indef_precond = n_indef_precond + 1
187 | if (n_indef_precond >= 3) then
188 | ! diverged due to indefinite preconditioner
190 | exit
191 | endif
192 | endif
193 |
194 | !C===
195 | !C +-----------------------------+
196 | !C | {p} = {z} if ITER=1 |
197 | !C | BETA= RHO / RHO1 otherwise |
198 | !C +-----------------------------+
199 | !C===
200 | if ( ITER.eq.1 ) then
201 | do i = 1, NNDOF
202 | WW(i,P) = WW(i,Z)
203 | enddo
204 | else
205 | BETA = RHO / RHO1
206 | do i = 1, NNDOF
207 | WW(i,P) = WW(i,Z) + BETA*WW(i,P)
208 | enddo
209 | endif
210 |
211 | !C===
212 | !C +--------------+
213 | !C | {q}= [A] {p} |
214 | !C +--------------+
215 | !C===
216 | call hecmw_matvec_33(hecMESH, hecMAT, WW(:,P), WW(:,Q), Tcomm)
217 |
218 | !C===
219 | !C +---------------------+
220 | !C | ALPHA= RHO / {p}{q} |
221 | !C +---------------------+
222 | !C===
223 | call hecmw_InnerProduct_R(hecMESH, NDOF, WW(:,P), WW(:,Q), C1, Tcomm)
224 | ! if C1 is NaN or Inf, no converge
225 | if (C1 <= 0) then
226 | ! diverged due to indefinite or negative definite matrix
228 | exit
229 | endif
230 |
231 | ALPHA= RHO / C1
232 |
233 | !C===
234 | !C +----------------------+
235 | !C | {x}= {x} + ALPHA*{p} |
236 | !C | {r}= {r} - ALPHA*{q} |
237 | !C +----------------------+
238 | !C===
239 | do i = 1, NNDOF
240 | X(i) = X(i) + ALPHA * WW(i,P)
241 | ! WW(i,R)= WW(i,R) - ALPHA * WW(i,Q)
242 | enddo
243 |
244 | if ( mod(ITER,N_ITER_RECOMPUTE_R)==0 ) then
245 | call hecmw_matresid_33(hecMESH, hecMAT, X, B, WW(:,R), Tcomm)
246 | else
247 | do i = 1, NNDOF
248 | WW(i,R)= WW(i,R) - ALPHA * WW(i,Q)
249 | enddo
250 | endif
251 |
252 | call hecmw_InnerProduct_R(hecMESH, NDOF, WW(:,R), WW(:,R), DNRM2, Tcomm)
253 |
254 | RESID= dsqrt(DNRM2/BNRM2)
255 |
257 | if (my_rank.eq.0.and.ITERLog.eq.1) write (*,'(i7, 1pe16.6)') ITER, RESID
258 | !C#####
259 |
260 | if (ESTCOND /= 0 .and. hecMESH%my_rank == 0) then
261 | if (ITER == 1) then
262 | D(1) = 1.d0 / ALPHA
263 | else
264 | D(ITER) = 1.d0 / ALPHA + BETA / ALPHA1
265 | E(ITER-1) = sqrt(BETA) / ALPHA1
266 | endif
267 | ALPHA1 = ALPHA
268 | if (mod(ITER,ESTCOND) == 0) call hecmw_estimate_condition_CG(ITER, D, E)
269 | endif
270 |
271 | if ( RESID.le.TOL ) then
272 | if ( mod(ITER,N_ITER_RECOMPUTE_R)==0 ) exit
273 | !C----- recompute R to make sure it is really converged
274 | call hecmw_matresid_33(hecMESH, hecMAT, X, B, WW(:,R), Tcomm)
275 | call hecmw_InnerProduct_R(hecMESH, NDOF, WW(:,R), WW(:,R), DNRM2, Tcomm)
276 | RESID= dsqrt(DNRM2/BNRM2)
277 | if ( RESID.le.TOL ) exit
278 | endif
280 |
281 | RHO1 = RHO
282 |
283 | enddo
284 | !C
285 | !C************************************************* Conjugate Gradient Iteration end
286 | !C
287 | call hecmw_solver_scaling_bk_33(hecMAT)
288 | !C
290 | !C
292 | call hecmw_update_3_R (hecMESH, X, hecMAT%NP)
294 | Tcomm = Tcomm + END_TIME - START_TIME
295 |
296 | deallocate (WW)
297 | !call hecmw_precond_33_clear(hecMAT)
298 |
299 | IF (hecmw_mat_get_usejad(hecMAT).ne.0) THEN
300 | call hecmw_JAD_FINALIZE()
301 | ENDIF
302 |
303 | if (ESTCOND /= 0 .and. ERROR == 0 .and. hecMESH%my_rank == 0) then
304 | call hecmw_estimate_condition_CG(ITER, D, E)
305 | deallocate(D, E)
306 | endif
307 |
309 | if (TIMElog.eq.2) then
310 | call hecmw_time_statistics(hecMESH, E1_TIME - S1_TIME, &
311 | t_max, t_min, t_avg, t_sd)
312 | if (hecMESH%my_rank.eq.0) then
313 | write(*,*) 'Time solver iterations'
314 | write(*,*) ' Max :',t_max
315 | write(*,*) ' Min :',t_min
316 | write(*,*) ' Avg :',t_avg
317 | write(*,*) ' Std Dev :',t_sd
318 | endif
319 | Tsol = t_max
320 | else
321 | Tsol = E1_TIME - S1_TIME
322 | endif
323 |
324 | end subroutine hecmw_solve_CG_33
325 |
326 | end module hecmw_solver_CG_33